उत्पाद विवरण
बैंक का नाम
Karur Vyasya Bank
अधिकतम ऋण अवधि
Up to 30 years.
अधिकतम ऋण राशि
Not specified by the bank.
ब्याज दर
9.00% to 11.05% per annum.
अग्रिम भुगतान
10 to 25%
फीस और शुल्क
Processing fees- Rs 2500 to 7500
Pre-payment charges: NIL for floating interest rate.
Late payment charges: Not specified by the bank.
Legal charges: At actuals.
Stamp Duty and registration charges: At actuals.
न्यूनतम CIBIL स्कोर
Not specified by the bank.
डाउन पेमेंट और शुल्क
Happy Home Loans
विशेष लक्षण
पात्रता मापदंड
All resident individuals.
For the construction of independent houses.
For outright purchase of independent houses/flats.
For purchase of plots and construction thereon.
For take over of loans from another Bank/FI’s.
For Improvement/Repairs/Additional construction/Renovation of existing houses or flats owned by you.
For purchase of plots or flats developed by Government Authorities.
विशेष रियायत
होम सेवर विकल्प
विशेषताएं, पात्रता और रियायत
Loan repayment tenure of up to 30 years.
No Home Saver option
Less accessibility in rural India.
पक्ष विपक्ष
Application Procedure
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